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Meditation & Mindfulness

Calm, Clear & Positive Mind  |  Insight

"Unless our minds are stable and calm, no matter how comfortable our physical condition may be, they will give us no pleasure. Therefore, the key to a happy life, now and in the future, is to develop a happy mind"

~ The Dalai Lama


Meditation is simple in concept, but difficult to practice. Although it's an internal practice, you don't have to go it alone. We will introduce you to a variety of traditional and modern meditation and mindfulness exercises, and provide compassionate support, guidance, and a safe space to train and come to understand your mind.


What is meditation and mindfulness?

Meditation is a state of mental calm and stability, where we have no thoughts; or in earlier stages, observe thoughts come and go without interacting with them. The practice of meditation begins with calming the mind and developing the ability to withdraw from distractions and concentrate, turning the mind into a single, internal point of focus.  


Mindfulness is a meditation practice and a way of directing attention that you can apply throughout your day (to great benefit!). When we practice mindfulness we attend to the present moment, without entangling ourselves in supplementary thoughts or judgements, condemning or reacting to what the present moment brings. 


Why practice meditation and mindfulness?

In meditation, when we quiet the constant distractions of the external world, the over active mind, and the senses, we give ourselves space to rest in deeper realms of consciousness, intuition and self, and experience the core of peace and happiness that is always within us. 


Likewise, mindfulness helps us reduce and not attach to unhelpful thoughts and judgements as we move through our days, keeps us in the present moment instead of ruminating on the past or worrying for the future, and gives us space to intentionally respond instead of reflexively react to our situations. 


The results? Meditation and mindfulness help us be more compassionate, effective, and positive people toward ourselves, in relationships, at work, and in our community. AND:

Improves our:

  • Insight and self-understanding

  • Concentration and productivity 

  • Sleep and relaxation

  • Emotion regulation

  • Decision-making

  • Listening and perspective-taking (empathy)

  • Learning and memory

  • Ability to overcome addiction

  • General health and immune system

  • Digestion

  • Quality of life

Decreases our:

  • Suffering (attaching to physical pain, harmful thoughts, temporary emotions and sensations)

  • Feelings and physical embodiment of overwhelm, anxiety and depression

  • Brain-aging    

  • Inflammation and risk of disease


Service Details

Private lessons for individuals or small groups | $100/hour

We will come to you! $40 additional charge for mobile service. 

Check our location for our mobile service area


Contact us for questions & booking!

Free Meditation Resources

Here are some great online resources that offer free guided meditations so you can start practicing meditation right now, for free. These are not resources we developed, we are not affiliated with these websites, and we do not profit from your use of them; we just want to hook you up with some tools to get meditating :)  


Meditation in Research 


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